How do I transfer my Website to Nafees Solutions

This process is very easy. You can simply navigate to our main website and choose the plan that best suits your needs.

Once you choose your plan, you can go through the order process, and complete your payment.

All accounts are created instantly upon payment, and once activated you will receive your Welcome Email which will include your login details and nameserver information. 

We provide free website transfer for linux hosting with cPanel accounts.

After you receive Welcome email, simply send login details of your old host to and we will begin to transfer everything for you. 

You will be notified when the transfer is completed and you can proceed login to your Domain Registrar, and change the nameservers on that domain to our server dns.

On Windows hosting, transfer process is you backup files, databases on old host then upload files to our server and restore database in control panel. You can review website via temporary link and change domain nameserver to our server dns when everything is ok.

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